Are you ready to roll with the homies this Friday September 20th at 6:45pm for our epic 97-minute Clueless Movie Ride? Whether you're a spin newbie or just need some extra prep, we’ve got you covered. Here are five tips to make sure you’re totally buggin’ (in the best way) by the end of class:

1. Set Your Bike Up for Success
Proper bike setup is key to staying comfortable for the full 97 minutes. Make sure your seat height allows for a slight bend in your knee at the bottom of your pedal stroke, and your handlebars should be positioned so you're not putting too much strain on your back and shoulders. We’ll help with adjustments before class, so arrive early if you need a quick tune-up!

2. Pace Yourself Like a Pro
This ride is a marathon, not a sprint! It’s totally okay to take breaks when you need them—especially during longer rides like this one. Follow the music and your instructor’s cues, but remember that listening to your body is the most important part. Drink water, take a breather if you need it, and hop back in when you’re ready to crush it.

3. Hydrate and Fuel Up
Staying fueled and hydrated will be your best friends during a longer ride. Be sure to hydrate throughout the day leading up to the class, and bring a water bottle to sip on during the ride. Also, don’t forget to eat a balanced snack or light meal about an hour before class—something with a good mix of carbs and protein will give you sustained energy. If you need a little boost mid-ride, feel free to have a quick snack like an energy gel or a piece of fruit.

4. Clip Into Your Cycling Shoes
If you’re new to clipping into cycling shoes, don’t worry! Clipping in provides more control and power during your ride. Take a moment to practice beforehand or ask for assistance. We’ll make sure you’re locked in and ready to ride with ease, giving you the most efficient workout possible.

5. Dress for Success
Wear breathable, moisture-wicking technical clothing to stay cool and comfortable. For extra comfort, we also provide gel seat covers in the studio, which can make a huge difference on longer rides. Feel free to grab one before class!

We can’t wait to see you for this unforgettable ride. Get ready to sweat, smile, and ride like a total Betty!

See you Friday!

– The Kardia Team 💛
